Good News Is Sometimes Hard To Come By - Matte For Men

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Good News Is Sometimes Hard To Come By

August 30, 2017 1 min read

casa de los ninosWith all that is going on in the world today, its certainly a welcome change of pace when we receive good news ... especially when it comes in the form of how our efforts have helped to change the lives of others. Recently a letter showed up in my mailbox from "Casa de los Ninos," a charity that we have donated to over the years, with the mission of improving the lives of children that are at risk. It wasn't asking for more money (as most charities are notorious for), it was just a simple letter to say "thanks" and update donors on the real progress that they've made in this area.

In summary, this amazing organization has developed programs that allow families to stay together and improve the stability of the family unit so that children don't have to be placed in shelters ... which they typically don't thrive in. It is this "long-term" approach that will inevitably lead to healthier children and more stable families.

You know, it's nice to hear that even our small efforts are helping to make a difference and I'd like to thank all of our customers for helping us to help them.